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1, save space, beautify the room. The warm water in the underground installation, after installation, with a fine thermostat only in the wall. Now many families have installed radiator, in recent years, although the appearance of the radiator has improved compared to the past, more beautiful, but after a long time, will inevitably affect the outdated style overall appearance Home Furnishing.
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2, comfortable and healthy, strong health. To warm the heat radiation to the ground, laying pipelines in indoor surface, with water as a medium for cyclic heating on the surface. There are two advantages of this cooling method, on the one hand to the feet warm cool feeling, can improve blood circulation, promote meet health standards; The new supersedes the old., on the other hand the heat from the surface rises, can destroy mites and other parasites living environment, sterilization on the ground, not rising hot air convection caused by polluted air, healthy and comfortable.
3, long service life, high safety factor. Warm water basic buildings with the same life, as long as 50 years, when in use, the safety basically does not exist. The long life of the water heater greatly reduces the troubles of the ordinary heating equipment due to the service life and saves the additional cost when the two replacement is carried out.



